Ahsoka Episode 5 Namedrops Beloved Original Trilogy Character

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Ahsoka Episode 5, so read at your own risk!

Throughout the first few episodes of Ahsoka, we've seen some glimpses of the politics of the New Republic in the post-Return of the Jedi timeline through the eyes of General Hera Syndulla.

While it's no longer a fascist government like the Empire, it is still a flawed governance as portrayed by a scene involving Hera's meeting with the senators during the third episode.

We know at this point that the New Republic is meant to go on a downfall again at some point in the future and Grand Admiral Thrawn will inevitably return to take over the galaxy.

Several novels have also covered what happened to the characters from the original trilogy during this period and, now, it looks like the live-action shows are also slowly exploring it as teased by a namedrop in the latest episode of Ahsoka.

Leia Organa Gets Mentioned in Ahsoka Episode 5

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
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Credit: Lucasfilm

During the earlier part of the recent fifth episode of Ahsoka, Senator Leia Organa was namedropped by Carson Teva during a conversation with Hera Syndulla.

The special shoutout to the beloved original trilogy character happened as Hera, her son Jacen, Carson Teva, and the New Republic pilots were searching for Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren on planet Seatos.

Hera's mission in Seatos was not authorized by the New Republic and they are doing it under the radar with only a few trusted figures such as Leia and Mon Mothma who are aware of the investigation.

Carson briefed Hera during a conversation in one of the early scenes of the episode that Leia is covering for them at the New Republic headquarters as they're doing an unauthorized investigation on the planet.

"General Organa says she can only give us cover for so long," he said.

This shows that, despite her absence on-screen, Leia was assisting Hera and the pilots behind the scenes and she played a part in making sure that they were able to do their mission without interference from the New Republic command.

While we don't know yet whether this will lead to a Leia appearance later on in the series, it is still a nice acknowledgment that she still very much exists in the timeline even though we are not seeing it in our own eyes and fans definitely would love to see her physically show up at some point in the MandoVerse.

Also Read: Ahsoka Episode 5 Confirms What Fans Have Suspected About Jacen Syndulla

There is also a likelihood that it's all just a namedrop and the mention of the name was just an acknowledgment of the connectivity to the other parts of the franchise. Either way, it is still a nice treat for the fans.

New episodes of Ahsoka premiere every Tuesday night on Disney+.

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