5 Star Wars Characters That Deserve Their Own Disney+ Series


Many Star Wars fans are excited about the return of The Mandalorian this October, but after that, we only have two other Disney+ Star Wars series in the form of Cassian Andor and Obi-Wan Kenobi. With several Marvel miniseries in the works and not enough Star Wars, here’s a breakdown of characters in the Star Wars universe that deserve their own time in the spotlight.

  1. Ahsoka Tano

    Let’s get the most obvious character out of the way first. Ahsoka is probably one of the most celebrated characters in Star Wars, but she’s found herself sidelined to the likes of Anakin Skywalker and Ezra Bridger in Clone Wars and Rebels. Ahsoka needs to star in her own series, and Lucasfilm should add in a special appearance by Temuera Morrison as grizzled old Captain Rex.

    The good news is, there are already rumors going around that Ahsoka is going to make her live-action debut in The Mandalorian Season 2, and this is said to be a sort of jumping point for the character to star in her own show as well as a cameo in several others. Then again, we don’t have any official confirmation yet, but an Ahsoka series is something that fans would definitely want to see.

  2. Rose Tico

    Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran) was infamously sidelined in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and this has led to fans asking Disney to give Rose her due by letting her star in her own Disney+ show. With most of the series being developed taking place near the Prequel and OT eras, a series following Rose and her sister Paige would be a nice expansion to the Sequel Trilogy era.

    I would definitely love to see how the sisters ended up joining the Resistance, and it opens up returns for several other side characters like Billie Lourd’s Lt. Connix or Greg Grunberg’s X-Wing pilot Snap Wexley. You can even plan for the live-action debut of animated characters like the ones we meet in Star Wars Resistance.

    While we don’t have any idea about a Rose series yet, Crazy Rich Asians director Jon M. Chu had publicly stated that he wants to make the show for Disney last year. Hopefully, Disney is considering it since Rose Tico deserves all the love after TROS.

  3. Iden Versio of Star Wars: Battlefront II

    With the more noble characters taking the spotlight, I think it would be interesting to have a Star Wars show that focused on the Imperials this time around, and what better Imperial to follow than Battlefront II’s protagonist Iden Versio?

    Played by Janina Gavankar, Iden Versio was a loyal Imperial soldier who was part of the elite Inferno Squadron before certain events led her to become a soldier of the Rebellion. With a lot of space to fill in before the events of Battlefront II, I think it would be great to follow Iden’s story in her early days as an Imperial grunt. While we see the Empire as the bad guys, I think it would be an interesting angle to how someone like Iden could end up so loyal to the cause.

    As for villains, I think it would be great if we got to see the return of Saw Gerrera and his Partisans. They’re still fighting for the rebellion, but their methods are less than noble.

  4. Zorri Bliss

    While the main conflict of Star Wars has always been between an ‘Empire’ and a ‘Rebellion’, I’ve always loved the third faction which consists of bounty hunters and smugglers just fighting for themselves. With the ‘scum and villainy’ of the OT pretty fleshed out, I’m kind of curious to see what the underground is like during the timeline of the Sequel Trilogy.

    Enter Zorri Bliss, a character we meet in The Rise of Skywalker who was pretty fun on her own despite her limited appearance. She could give us a look into the underworld of the latest era, and show us how much the galaxy hasn’t really changed despite the rule of the New Republic or the First Order.

    A series based on Zorri can bring in fan-favorite Babu Frik, and even feature less-than-reputable characters like the ones we met in Maz’s Castle in The Force Awakens. We need more of the cool characters like Sidon Ithano a.k.a. The Crimson Corsair; heck, maybe we can even see the return of Captain Phasma who definitely survived her fall in The Last Jedi.

  5. Han Solo

    Say what you want about Solo: A Star Wars Story, but it was a pretty solid entry in the Star Wars franchise, and the reasons it failed in the box office were largely because of Disney forcing the May release and watering down the marketing so it wouldn’t divert attention from Avengers: Infinity War.

    There’s now a call online to #MakeSolo2Happen, and though it’s unlikely that we’ll get to see Han make a return to the big screen, fans are settling for a Disney+ series with Alden Ehrenreich and Joonas Suotamo returning as Han and Chewie.

    The first movie was said to start an arc that would feature a war between the crime syndicates, and we would have definitely seen the return of Jabba the Hutt and a lot of other characters from the underworld; not to mention, a live-action return of Darth Maul.  Who wouldn’t want to see that?

    Personally, I loved Solo, and I think that Ehrenreich was as fantastic as a young Han. Though I’m not expecting multiple seasons, I think one limited run just to give us closure on Han and Qi’Ra’s story would be fantastic.

    Though Lucasfilm isn’t looking to return to Solo now, what all of us fans can really do is keep tweeting #MakeSolo2Happen. I mean, if the Snyder Cut guys can persist, so can we.

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