Netflix CEO Is Not Worried About Potential WGA Strike Happening

The Writers Guild of America is on the verge of seeking out another strike against streaming platforms, major studios, and broadcast networks should they not come to a new contract before May 1, 2023.

It is the responsibility of the WGA (US labor union involving TV and movie writers from East and West coasts) to protect and serve their fellows for fair compensation and rights to their own works out in Hollywood.

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While the WGA strike is highly dependent on whether Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) signs a new deal with the members on revamping how Hollywood should treat its writers, the strike is on the table.

In fact, 97.9% of WGA members voted that going on strike is preferred, should they not come to a mutual agreement by May 1, which is when their previous contract expires.

Netflix co-CEO Breaks Silence on Potential WGA Strike

Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos claimed they have everything under control during Netfliix’s first quarter 2023 earnings call on Tuesday (via

“We respect the writers and we respect the WGA,” Sarandos said, “We couldn’t be here without them. We don’t want a strike.”

“The last time there was a strike, it was devastating to creators. It was really hard on the industry.” Sarandos added, “It was painful for local economies that support productions.”

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Sarandos then pressed that they are doing everything they can to prevent it from happening, “And it was very, very, very bad for fans. We want to work really hard to make sure we can find a fair and equitable deal so we can avoid one.”

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“If there is a strike, we have a large base of upcoming shows and films from around the world and we could probably serve our members better than most.” The Netflix co-CEO reassured.

“We do have a pretty robust slate of releases to take us into a long time.”

What the WGA Members Are Seeking This Time

The WGA members have a list of their demands, which include higher minimum payment, better pension and healthcare payments.

The list also involves being compensated with a set pay rate for screenwriters regardless if the movie they’re working on gets released on streaming or in theaters.

Not to mention, the removal of this practice of meeting shortly in the writers’ room right before production begins.

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